Better organise your workspace with virtual desktops

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Virtual desktops allow you to organize multiple Windows desktops, “theme” desktops: leisure, work, graphics… according to your needs.

Video - Better organise your workspace with virtual desktops

Manage virtual desktops via keyboard shortcuts

- Windows+Ctrl+D : Add a virtual desktop.
- Windows+Ctrl+Right arrow : Toggle between virtual desktops to the right.
- Windows+Ctrl+Left arrow : Toggle between virtual desktops to the left.
- Windows+Ctrl+F4: Close the current virtual desktop.
- Windows+Tab: Displays all desktops.

After a restart, the desktops still exist but, you will need to:
- Open the software on the corresponding desktop:
- Drag windows to the correct desktop.

Video : Better organise your workspace with virtual desktops

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