Windows Admin Center - Installing extensions using Powershell

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I find it quite time consuming to have to install Windows Admin Center extensions from the interface and Powershell does it easily. I use this script when demonstrating Windows Admin Center, it allows me to add a list of extensions quickly.

# WAC server name.
$ServerName = 'srv1'
# Import the WAC module (present on the workstation with WAC).
# This may require remote Powershell
# Enter-PSSession -ComputerName $ServerName
Import-Module "$env:ProgramFiles\windows admin center\PowerShell\Modules\ExtensionTools"
# WAC address
$WAC = "https://$ServerName/"
# List of extensions (to be adapted to your needs)
$extensions = '',
# List the extensions (the ID is the value to be reused to add your extension to my code)
Get-Extension $WAC | Select-Object -Property id, description
# List uninstalled extensions
Get-Extension $WAC | Where-Object {$_.status -eq 'Available' } | Select-Object -Property id, description
# Note: Partially functional, old versions of modules are sometimes listed here
# Example: msft.sme.hyperv version 2.59.0 is listed as 'Available' even though I have version 2.65 installed.
# Install extensions
# Note that I don't bother to check whether the extensions are installed
# As the list of uninstalled/installed extensions doesn't seem reliable, I'll let the installation do the thinking for me
$extensions | ForEach-Object -Process { Install-Extension -GatewayEndpoint $wac -ExtensionId $_ }

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