Make better use of your keyboard for greater efficiency

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An article on how to make better use of your keyboard to become more efficient.


Window management:

  •  + , (comma): Stealthily display the Desktop.
  • + D : Fold down all windows in the taskbar. Redoing the shortcut puts them back.
  • Alt + F4 or Ctrl + W : Close the active application.
  • + Direction arrows: Use docking.
  • Alt + Tab: Navigate between open applications, leave Alt. Use Tab to move forward and Shift + Tab to move backward.
  • + Tab : Display current tasks (Task View) and the virtual desktop management interface.
  • + Home : Minimise all open windows except the active one. Redoing the shortcut puts them back.

Open certain Windows windows/consoles/menus:

  • + A : Open the Notification Center.
  • + S : Open the search bar.
  • + I : Open Settings.
  • + L : Lock the machine or change user.
  • + R: Run a command (execute).
  • + E: Launch file explorer.
  • + P : Choose a presentation display mode (for a projector, for example).
  • + X : Open the WinX Menu (right-click on the started menu).
  • + Pause : Displays system properties.


  •  + Print screen : Saves a screenshot in the Screenshots folder in the Images directory.
  • + Shift + S : Screenshot with the toolbar (snipping tool).
  • + + : Zoom (uses the magnifying glass).
  • + - : Zoom (uses magnifying glass).


  • Ctrl + Z : Cancel the last action (also called Ctrl Zut!).
  • Ctrl + C: Copy the selected item.
  • Ctrl + V: Paste the select element.
  • Ctrl + X: Cut the select element.
  • Ctrl + Wheel forward/back: Zoom in or out.
  • Ctrl + S (in software): Save.
  • Ctrl + N : Opens the same application.
  • Ctrl + A : Selects all items.
  • Ctrl + F: Start a search.
  • Delete (del) : To delete what is selected.
  • (Start) : To go to the start of the item you’re in (start of line, first object in file explorer…).
  • Ctrl + (Start) : Go to the start of the document.
  • End : To go to the end of the element you’re in (end of line, last object in file explorer…).
  • Ctrl + End : Go to the end of the document.
  • Ctrl : Leave the key selected and click on the desired elements to select them. Click on the item again to deselect.
  • Shift : Select the 1st item in a contiguous list of items, press the Shift key, click on last desired item in the list, release Shift. The list is selected.
  • Ctrl + click : In a web browser, clicking on a link with Ctrl held down opens in a new tab.
  • F2 : Rename.
  • F5: Refresh.
  • Alt : Allows you to scroll through menus, or bring up menus:
    • If letters are suggested, press the letter to perform the associated action.
    • If letters are underlined, press the letter to perform the associated action.
    • Tab forwards, Shift + Tab backwards in menus.
    • Arrows also allow you to navigate.
    • Space checks or unchecks.
  • Alt + number: Create specific characters. Press Alt, type the number and release Alt.
  • Alt + 128   ->   Ç

Alt key combinations

File explorer (the previous Actions section also applies here):

  • Shift + Ctrl + N : Create a folder.
  • Backspace:Go back to previous page.
  • Enter: Opens the selected file or folder.
  • Alt + P: Show the view pane.
  • Ctrl: When dragging/dropping press Ctrl to force copying.
  • Shift : When dragging/dropping press Shift to force the move.
  • Shift + Right-click: On an item (folder, file, shortcut, program…) allows you to obtain additional actions in the menu.
  • Shift + Delete : Deletes without going through the recycle bin.

Shortcuts for the taskbar:

Applications pinned to the taskbar can be launched quickly.
Note: Do not count the icon for virtual desktops.
Note 2: The numbers above azertyuiop, not those on the numeric keypad.

The first app pinned has the number 1, the 2nd the number 2 etc. :
+ Number
Be careful if you type:
+ 12
You will launch the first 2 applications.
If the application is already open, you switch to it.
A full list of Windows shortcuts is available at this link:

Video : Make better use of your keyboard for greater efficiency

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