Powershell - type accelerator
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Hello, Accelerator types in Powershell are aliases for .NET types or classes.
Using them can shorten syntax, simplify it and gain performance.
# List accelerators types.[PSObject].Assembly.GetType('System.Management.Automation.TypeAccelerators')::Get
## Some examples of use
# Generate an identifier[PSCredential]::New("titi", (ConvertTo-SecureString 'P@ssword' -AsPlainText -Force))# Equivalent to$password = ConvertTo-SecureString 'P@ssword' -AsPlainText -ForceNew-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential('titi', $password)
# Easy URL manipulation$url = [uri]"https://www.altf4-formation.fr/powershell"$url.host$url.localpath
# Check an email, convert to type [mailaddress][mailaddress]"test@test.com"
# Check an IP address, convert to type [ipaddress} :[IPAddress]''# But we realise that it can also convert this value:[IPAddress]'10.2'# We can counter the problem as follows$ip = ''($ip -as [IPAddress]).IPAddressToString -eq $ip# "Equivalent" to the following regular expression:"" -match "^([01]?\d?\d\.|2[0-4]\d\.|25[0-5]\.){3}([01]?\d?\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])$"
# Create a custom object[PSCustomObject]@{Name='Guillaume';Age=25}[PSObject]@{Name='Guillaume';Age=25}# Equivalent to :New-Object PSObject -property @{Name='Guillaume';Age=25}
# Define a duration (days, hours, minutes, seconds)$duree = [TimeSpan]::New(2, 10, 30, 40)# Equivalent to :new-timespan -Days 2 -Hours 10 -Minutes 30 -Seconds 40
# Convert to date[DateTime]::Parse('2021-10-12')[DateTime]::Parse('12-10-2021')[DateTime]::Parse('10-12-2021')[DateTime]::Parse('10-12-2021',(get-culture))[DateTime]::Parse('10-12-2021',[cultureinfo]::GetCultureInfo('en-us'))[DateTime]::Parse('10-12-2021').ToString('yyyy_MM_dd')[DateTime]::Parse('10-12-2021').AddDays(8)[DateTime]::Parse('10-12-2021').AddDays(5).AddMonths(-3)[DateTime]::now
## WMI([WMICLASS]'Win32_Process').create("notepad.exe")# Equivalent(Get-WmiObject Win32_Process -List).create("notepad.exe")# orGet-CimClass -ClassName Win32_Process |Invoke-CimMethod -MethodName create -Arguments @{CommandLine='notepad.exe'}
# WMI request to display the process with PID 0 :[Wmi]"Win32_Process.Handle=0"
# Remote request:[WmiClass]"\\remotecomputer\root\cimv2:Win32_Process"
# Use WQL (WMI Query Language) :([WmiSearcher]"SELECT * FROM Win32_Process").Get()
# Create an accelerator type$Accelerator = [PowerShell].Assembly.GetType("System.Management.Automation.TypeAccelerators")# Add an accelerator type$Accelerator::Add('resolve','System.Net.dns')# Use the accelerator type[resolve]::GetHostAddresses('www.google.fr')
Information and list of accelerator types:
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