PowerShell - Display months or days of the week in the desired culture
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If you want to display the months or days of the week as a string value in the desired culture to embed in logs or reports, here’s how to do it in Powershell.
# Display the names of the months in the culture used.1..12 | ForEach-Object -process {(Get-Culture).DateTimeFormat.GetMonthName($_)}
# Display the names of the abbreviated months in the crop used1..12 | ForEach-Object -process {(Get-Culture).DateTimeFormat.GetAbbreviatedMonthName($_)}
# Display the names of the days of the week in the culture used0..6 | ForEach-Object -process {(Get-Culture).DateTimeFormat.GetdayName($_)}# The week starts on Sunday
# Display the names of the abbreviated days of the week in the culture used0..6 | ForEach-Object -process {(Get-Culture).DateTimeFormat.GetAbbreviatedDayName($_)}
# Display the 1st letter of the days of the week in the culture used0..6 | ForEach-Object -process {(Get-Culture).DateTimeFormat.GetshortestdayName($_)}
# Display month names in another culture$Culture = 'en-us'1..12 | ForEach-Object -process {[cultureinfo]::GetCultureInfo($Culture).DateTimeFormat.GetMonthName($_)}
# Display the names of the abbreviated month in another culture1..12 | ForEach-Object -process {[cultureinfo]::GetCultureInfo($Culture).DateTimeFormat.GetAbbreviatedMonthName($_)}
# Display the names of the days of the week in another culture0..6 | ForEach-Object -process {[cultureinfo]::GetCultureInfo($Culture).DateTimeFormat.GetdayName($_)}
# Display the names of the abbreviated days of the week in another culture0..6 | ForEach-Object -process {[cultureinfo]::GetCultureInfo($Culture).DateTimeFormat.GetAbbreviatedDayName($_)}
# Display the 1st letter of the days of the week in another culture0..6 | ForEach-Object -process {[cultureinfo]::GetCultureInfo($Culture).DateTimeFormat.GetshortestdayName($_)}
# You can also change the culture directly in the Powershell environment[cultureinfo]::CurrentCulture = 'en-us
# Display the names of the months in the culture used1..12 | ForEach-Object -process {(Get-Culture).DateTimeFormat.GetMonthName($_)}
# Display the names of the abbreviated months in the crop used1..12 | ForEach-Object -process {(Get-Culture).DateTimeFormat.GetAbbreviatedMonthName($_)}
# List all available cultures# Windows Powershell[System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::GetCultures([System.Globalization.CultureTypes]::AllCultures)
# Powershell 7Get-Culture -ListAvailable
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