PowerShell - Display WiFi connection passwords

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Do you need to recover WiFi connection passwords for your Windows computer?

A bit of PowerShell code can meet your need.

# To be executed in administrator to be sure to have access to the key
# In user mode some keys are not displayed
$WlanProfiles = netsh wlan show profiles |
Select-String "Profile " | ForEach-Object { ($_.Line -split ': ',2)[-1]}
Foreach ($WlanProfile in $WlanProfiles) {
$KeyProfile = netsh wlan show profile name=$WlanProfile key=clear | Select-String 'Contents of' $KeyProfile = netsh wlan show profile name=$WlanProfile key=clear | Select-String 'Key Content'
$Password = if ( $null -ne $KeyProfile ) { $KeyProfile.ToString().Split(': ')[-1] }
Profile = $WlanProfile
Password = $Password
# Installing a Powershell module to manage WiFi profiles
Install-Module wifiprofilemanagement
# Display profiles and their passwords
# Run as administrator to ensure you have access to the key
Foreach ($WlanProfile in (Get-WiFiProfile)) {
Get-WiFiProfile -ProfileName $WlanProfile.ProfileName -ClearKey |
Select-Object ProfileName,Password

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