Powershell - Displaying disk space informatione
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Hi, here’s how to display disk space information in Powershell
Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_logicaldisk | select-object -Property @{ Name = 'Drive' Expression = { $_.DeviceID }}, @{ Name = 'Total size (GB)' Expression = { ('{0,18:N0}' -f ($_.Size / 1gb)) }}, @{ Name = 'Free Space (GB)' Expression = { ('{0,18:N0}' -f ($_.Freespace / 1gb)) }}, @{ Name = 'Free (%)' Expression = { '{0,7:P0}' -f (($_.Freespace / 1gb) / ($_.size / 1gb)) }}
Or more cosmetically for demonstrations
# Color of values.$colour = 'Yellow'# Bar size (in number of characters)$bar = 20Get-CimInstance win32_logicalDisk | ForEach-Object -process { $utilise=($_.size - $_.freespace)/$_.size * $bar $reste=$bar - $utilise write-host 'Name: ' -NoNewline write-host "$($_.deviceID) " -ForegroundColor Cyan -NoNewline write-host "$("$([char]9604)" * $utilise)" -f red -NoNewline write-host "$("$([char]9604)" * $reste)" -f green -NoNewline write-host ' Size: ' -NoNewline write-host "$("{0,10:N1}" -f ($_.size/1GB)) Go" -ForegroundColor $colour -NoNewline write-host ' Free: ' -NoNewline write-host "$("{0,10:N1}" -f ($_.freespace/1GB)) Go" -ForegroundColor $colour -NoNewline write-host ' Used: ' -NoNewline write-host "$("{0,10:N1}" -f (($_.size - $_.freespace)/1GB)) Go" -ForegroundColor $colour -NoNewline write-host ' % free: ' -NoNewline write-host "$("{0:P1}" -f (($_.freespace)/$_.size))" -ForegroundColor $colour }
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