Powershell - Differences between Break, Return and Exit

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In this article, I review the differences between Break, Return and Exit in Powershell, to help you choose the right statement. I don’t go into detail about the possibilities offered by these instructions, perhaps in a future article.

# Break
# Break allows you to exit While, Do, For, ForEach, Foreach-Object or Switch loops.
# Code creates an infinite while loop, break exits the loop
function Test-Break {
while ($true) {
"start while loop
break # exits the loop
"end while loop" # code not executed
"Code outside while loop"
"Next code"
# Return
# Return exits the active scope (function, script or script block)
function Test-Return {
while ($true) {
"Start while loop" # Return
Return # Exits the function
"End while loop" # code not executed
"Next code"
# Exit
# Exit allows you to exit a script or a Powershell instance
function Test-Exit {
while ($true) {
"Start while loop" # Exit
exit # Closes the Powershell instance
"end while loop" # code not executed
"Next code" # code not executed

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