Powershell - Adding a line to a file from a specific line
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Having switched from a database-driven CMS site to a Markdown file-based site, I needed to modify what is known as the frontmatter.
A section at the beginning of the Markdown file containing information about the article (date, title, etc.).
The easiest way to do this is to use a collection (collection, arraylist, genericlist) that contains an .insert() method.
Here are a few examples of how to add a line to a specific location in a file (you know the line number where you want to place your text content)
## From an arraylist# File path$Path = 'c:\Path_File'# Content to add$TextToAdd = "lang: en"# List files$Files = Get-ChildItem -path $Path -File# Loop for each fileforeach ( $File in $Files ) {# Load the contents of the file[System.Collections.ArrayList]$FileContent1 = get-content $File.FullName# Add content# 7 corresponds to an addition on the 8th line$FileContent1.Insert(7,$TextToAdd)# Modify the fileSet-Content -Path $File.FullName -Value $FileContent1}
## From a Generic List# File path$Path = 'c:\Path_File'# Content to add$TextToAdd = "lang: en"# List files$Files = Get-ChildItem -path $Path -File# Loop for each fileforeach ( $File in $Files ) {# Load the contents of the file[System.Collections.Generic.List[String]]$FileContent2 = get-content $File.FullName# Add content# 7 corresponds to an addition to the 8th line$FileContent2.Insert(7,$TextToAdd)# Modify the fileSet-Content -Path $File.FullName -Value $FileContent2}
## Transforming the array into a collection# File path$Path = 'c:\Path_File'# Content to add$TextToAdd = "lang: es"# List the files$Files = Get-ChildItem -path $Path -File# Loop for each fileforeach ( $File in $Files ) {# Load the contents of the file$FileContent3 = get-content $File.FullName# Transformation into a collection to obtain the .Insert() method$FileContent3 = {$FileContent3}.invoke()# Add content# 7 corresponds to an addition to the 8th line$FileContent3.Insert(7,$TextToAdd)# Modify the fileSet-Content -Path $File.FullName -Value $FileContent3}
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