Managing the Windows credentials vault

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The Windows log-in vault allows you to save log-ins and passwords. It can be used voluntarily (or involuntarily) by ticking a memorise credentials box when connecting to shares or when connecting to a remote desktop, for example. Software such as vault password view from nirsoft can be used to display the contents of the vault.

cmdkey command to manage the Windows credentials vault.

Example to list credentials :
cmdkey /list
# Or with stored credentials
cmdkey /add:srv1 /user:user1 /pass:P@ssw0rd
# Or with
cmdkey /add: /user:user1 /pass:P@ssw0rd
# Or for remote desktop
cmdkey /generic:termsrv/srv2 /user:user1 /pass:P@ssw0rd
# Delete stored credentials
cmdkey /delete:srv1
# Or
cmdkey /delete:termsrv/srv2

Video : Managing the Windows credentials vault

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