How to join an Active Directory domain using PowerShell

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Joining an Active Directory domain using PowerShell

Presentation of different alternatives for joining an Active Directory domain:
How to join an Active Directory domain with System Properties (1/9)
Best domain joining practices - Delegation and pre-staging (2/9)
How to join an Active Directory domain using the Settings Menu (3/9)
How to join an Active Directory domain using PowerShell (4/9)
How to join an Active Directory domain with djoin (offline) (5/9)
How to join an Active Directory domain with netdom (6/9)
How to join an Active Directory domain with DSC (7/9)
How to join an Active Directory domain with ICD (8/9)
How to join an Active Directory domain with MDT (9/9) 

Joining the Active Directory in PowerShell

Code Powershell

## On the domain controller.
# When using pre-staging, it may be necessary to also delegate the creation of the object in the domain and not just the join to the domain.
# Following a change to the domain junction reinforcement, you must be a domain administrator or the owner of the computer object to join the computer to the domain
# Name of the OU Computers
$OUOrdinateursName = 'Ordinateurs'
# Distinguished name of the domain
$DomaineDN = (Get-ADDomain).distinguishedname
# Allow a group to join a computer to the domain on an OU. With inherited rights :
$OrdinateursOU = "ou=$OUOrdinateursName,$DomaineDN"
dsacls $OrdinateursOU /I:S /G $GPName":WS;Validated write to DNS host name;computer"
dsacls $OrdinateursOU /I:S /G $GPName":WS;Validated write to service principal name;computer"
dsacls $OrdinateursOU /I:S /G $GPName":CA;Reset Password;computer"
dsacls $OrdinateursOU /I:S /G $GPName":WP;Account Restrictions;computer"
# Add creation rights for the computer in the OU
dsacls $OrdinateursOU /I:T /G $GPName":CC;computer"
## On the workstation to join the domain
# You can define the destination OU and rename the workstation.
$PCName = 'pc-PoSH
$domaine = 'domaine.tld'
$ou = 'Ordinateurs'
$oupath = 'ou={2},dc={0},dc={1}' -f ($domaine.split('.') + $ou)
$param = @{
DomainName = $domaine
NewName = $NomPC
Credential = get-credential
OUPath = $oupath
Restart = $true
Add-Computer @param

Video : How to join an Active Directory domain using PowerShell

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