View the history of Windows problems and activities with the Reliability Monitor

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The Reliability Monitor graphically displays the history of activities and problems that have occurred on Windows.
The graph displays failures, warnings and information that have appeared on Windows.
You can quickly see what has happened on the workstation:
- Installing/uninstalling Windows updates.
- Application installation/uninstallation.
- Windows crash.
- Application crash.
- Driver installation/uninstallation.

To display the reliability monitor:
- Search for the term “reliability” to see “Display reliability history

- In the System and security
configuration panel. Or run the command:
perfmon /rel

Reliability history via PowerShell

#List applications with errors
Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_ReliabilityRecords |
where-object { $_.sourcename -eq "Application Error" } |
group-Object productname -NoElement
Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_ReliabilityRecords |
where-object { $_.sourcename -eq "Microsoft-Windows-UserPnp"} |
Select-Object productname, message | Format-List
Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_ReliabilityRecords |
where-object { $_.sourcename -eq "Microsoft-Windows-WindowsUpdateClient"} |
Select-Object productname, message | Format-List
#Software installations
Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_ReliabilityRecords |
where-object { $_.sourcename -eq "MsiInstaller"} |
Select-Object productname, message | Format-List

Video : View the history of Windows problems and activities with the Reliability Monitor

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